October 20, 2020 0 Comments
"Waikiki Beach" has arrived officially to Seattle. "Alki Beach" Next?? Maybe just maybe. I made sure to provide on this post some close-up details (or more specifically, "Easter Eggs"). Sorry Elvis fans, "The King" did not make the cut. However, the Duke did. Duke Kahanamoku that is. Along with the Duke you can enjoy the likes of the late great Don Ho (Mr. "Tiny Bubbles"). Look for Spongebob and Patrick catching some rays at #theroyalhawaiian. And since I painted this piece to remember the Awesome trip to Hawaii my wife and son took last year, I naturally put the three of us in it as well!
June 16, 2022 0 Comments
June 01, 2022 0 Comments
New art featuring LED lighting and some old school flat paintings on wood panels. All of this new work to kick off 20 years of Michael Birawer Paintings!